Which streaming platforms do you use?
Students can take lessons over Zoom, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, or FaceTime.
How can you teach with sometimes shaky video quality?
As long as I can see my student clearly, and am working with microphones that allow me to at least assess pitch, I am able to spot and correct the same errors that I would for in-person lessons. I also keep a continuous dialogue with my students to learn more about what they are feeling or experiencing at any given time.
Do students progress remotely?
Yes, absolutely. Many of my students who continued online lessons at the beginning of the pandemic improved dramatically when I was able to hear them in person (and from as safe distance). I credit this to loads of extra time to practice for those who are staying at home.
In addition to socially distanced lessons, I also teach remotely for those who prefer to stay at home.
My pedagogy is just as effective in person, or online. For me, it will be less about what it sounds like (the biggest drawback to digital lessons- poor audio quality), and more about what movements I see the student making, and how that affects overall freedom in their playing.
Online teaching is admittedly different, and I have also found certain advantages to teaching this way. I am able to keep students focused, comfortable, and reassured while we work remotely and typically see marked improvement (especially if they have extra time at home to devote to practice).
We adapt:
COVID-19 has been a unique time for people to connect with what matters to them the most. For some, this pandemic is the time they finally pull their old violin out, or maybe finally pluck up the courage to seek out an instrument themselves. The quarantine has allowed many of my students to initiate a gentle relationship with their instrument that allows for true progress. Little by little, they see their skills improving, and find that they CAN play, even in the midst of all of this. If you are curious about online lessons, or have questions before you want to get started, please visit my contact page and I will respond as soon as possible.